Keys to understanding content marketing

Content marketing seeks to understand the wants and needs of consumers and thus offer relevant material in an attractive, creative and practical way. According to Joe Pulizzi, specialist in the subject, content marketing " Is the art of understanding what your customers need to know, to provide it to them in a relevant and convincing way." Next, we will review some key points to understand this trend.


We live in a society that is saturated with advertising messages, so reaching people effectively has become a complex task. Correctly executed content marketing makes the message relevant to the consumer, as well as being a less invasive method of marketing, in which a conversation is established with consumers.

Goals and benefits

The main objective of content marketing is to increase the visibility of the company. But isn't that the goal of any marketing strategy? As I explained, every day it costs more for the messages to reach our target audience (especially in digital media), so this way of doing marketing makes it easier for us to increase the visibility and positioning of the company on the web, build customer loyalty and, above all, establish a close relationship with people.

Frequency is the key

It is not enough to make attractive content “once a year”. The flow must be constant, otherwise we are not giving our brand that value that consumers are looking for. People must perceive our company as a continuous source of relevant content.


We have a wide array of possibilities; We can focus on informational content such as images, videos, newsletters or webinars. There are also opinion pieces such as columns and blogs. These are just some of the vast opportunities to create content, but the important thing is to research what our consumers demand to provide exactly what they need.

Finally, we must remember well that content marketing is a powerful and effective trend, but it is still just one tool of many that we must master as marketing professionals.




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